On Sun, 26 Apr 2015 16:49:27 +0000
Alan Mackenzie <a...@muc.de> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 11:23:53AM -0500, »Q« wrote:

> > Alan, I think Firefox relies on gstreamer for at least some of its
> > HTML5 playback capability, so USE="-gstreamer" may be at the root of
> > the  issue.  On the YouTube HTML5 page, do you get a "What does this
> > browser support?" section?  If so, what does it say?
> Of the six boxes there, I have ticks (?check marks?) on
>   o - HTMLVideoElement
>   o - WebM VP8
> I have exclamation marks on all the others, namely
>   o - H.264
This is the only one which I have but you don't, and HTML video plays ok
for me with Firefox 37.0.2.

>   o - Media Source Extensions
>   o - MSE & H.264
>   o - MSE & WebM VP9

The MSE ones are disabled in all Firefoxen for now.  They tried
enabling support recently, but uncovered so many bugs they had to
disable it right away.

> It's frustrating that "HTML5" isn't mentioned in that list of six.

HTML5 video encompasses several formats.  "HTMLVideoElement" checked
just means the browser will recognize <video> elements, and the others
are various formats.

> I'll take your tip and try rebuilding with gstreamer enabled.  Thanks!

I hope it works!  I just tried looking at which gst-plugins I have
installed, to figure out which might give H.264 support, but I can't
make sense of it.

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