Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Fri, 22 May 2015 17:04:49 -0500, Dale wrote:
>> I also save the config with the same version part as the kernel, that
>> way I know which config goes with which kernel.  Everyone has their own
>> way of doing what works for them.  I just prefer to copy my own manually
>> with a name that makes sense to me.  I don't think make install will do
>> this the way I do it.
> make install does it exactly the way you are doing it, but faster and
> less prone to error.

Funny, I've yet to screw up copying and naming a kernel.  Also, I get to
name it the way I want to name it not the way someone else wants to name
it.  I sort of doubt that make install will repeat the same naming
scheme I use.  Of course, I haven't tried it in a long time either.  It
wouldn't do what I wanted the last time I read about it so I never used
it.  I haven't seen any need to since I don't update my kernels that
often.  I'm going on two months since my last reboot. 


:-)  :-) 

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