behrouz khosravi <> wrote:

> Hello everyone. After spending about a year in the world of linux (and
> mostly beloved gentoo!) I have realized that the key to a stable and
> fast machine is to keep the system as small as possible.
> So I am going to use console based tools mostly. I will also replace
> KDE with i3wm.
> What do you recommend as a replacement for kmail? (is mutt a good
> choise?)

Many years ago I also looked for a replacement for kmail, because kde3
was not longer supported and I disliked kde4. First I used thunderbird
but I was not very lucky with it (filters were poor and enigmail also
was not very komfortable IIRC).
I've tested all available e-mail clients and at the end I sticked with
claws mail. I'm still using this client and I'm very lucky with it. 
However, if you prefer HTML-Mail, then it is maybe not the best choice
for you.

Btw, I'm using geany as text editor, ding as dictionary, thunar as 
filemanager (sometimes also caja), qpdfview as document viewer, geeqie 
as image viewer, sonata as mpd client, audacious as music player and 
xfce as "DE".


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