Rich Freeman <rich0 <at>> writes:

> >> I'd hardly call 3.16 ancient, but it isn't a supported stable kernel.
> >> If you want longterm I'd stick with 3.18 or 3.14.

Maybe this site is what you are looking for? [1] 

> If you stick with an old non-longterm kernel you're not going to be
> getting security backports and fixes for regressions.

True, I believe those are marked by various gentoo tools. However
which ones and when the last gentoo security patches have been installed
on is not information readily available. That is something that GLEP-64
once available will give the various gentoo tools information in an easily
parsable form to provide to the user community, via various gentoo tools.
If it does exist (the security ports to various versions of gentoo-sources,
I would like to see some syntax) show me?

> But, as far as Gentoo support goes (such as it is), gentoo-sources is
> really the intended experience.

This is very true. So if you follow your Venn diagram tools you
really want kernel version that have both gentoo patches 
and  LTSI [2]. A detailed listing, readily available in a gentoo tool, that
shows the list of security ports on a given kernel, would be keen. Note
security ports (::=) security and all other kernel code fixes.





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