On 9/22/05, Willie Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the problem needs to be specific because I have no idea what you are
> thinking of:

So I have the following files: rate1.txt, rate2.txt, ..., rateN.txt
rate1.txt has the following contents:

0  5
1 10
2 11
3 12.5

rate2.txt has the following contents:

0  15.7
1 12
2 12
3 124.5

and so on.

Now, I want to plot a graph which will take the corresponding lines
from each of the files and average it out:

For example: If I had rate1.txt and rate2.txt, I basically wish to
plot a file which looks like this

0 (5+15.7)/2
1 (10+12)/2

What I could do (and what I have done) is create a file rate.txt which
averages out the values in rate1.txt, rate2.txt,... rateN.txt and then
I could just plot rate.txt simply using GNUPLOT.

So I was wondering if I could avoid that step and tell GNUPLOT to do
the following:

``Hey GNUPLOT open files rate1.txt and rate2.txt. Let column1 in
rate1.txt be $1, column2 in rate1.txt be $a and column2 in rate2.txt
be $b, so plot $1 on the X axis and ($a+$b)/2 on the Y axis."


Thanks for reading this!


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