OK so yes I know overlays in the wild can be disastrous.
Reading the devmanual while parsing through various ebuilds
both portage and in the wild, does make for some interesting
reading:: ymmv.

I'm not sure my overlay (kung_fu) is complete.

'layman -L'  lists reasonably qualified overlay sites; but you
have to add them to search out their content directly.

'eix -R <keywordname> ' will search far and wide for a given
overlay; like the distributed database 'cassandra.

Some googling suggest that zugaina contains a master list of overlays?
(not sure how true this is).

I'm not sure if 'eix -R' or 'browsing zugaina' provides the widest possible
 list of (mostly safe) overlay sites.

Last, googling for the name + ebuild  or overlay can find packages,
but if the archive (git etc) is not listed with a layman -L:: be
very cautious.... audit the details of the overlay.

Specifically, on dev-db/cassandara I find 2.1.3 and 2.12 
([5] "spike-community-overlay" layman/spike-community-overlay)

but the cassandra.apache.org site shows 2.1.8 and 2.20 as the
stable and testing downloads currently available. So is it safe
to use the "spike-community" overlay as a basis to update the cassandra
ebuild I have available?  

In general, is there a list (even a private list) of know good/bad
actors on these overlay sites?

Any further tidbits on searching out and qualifying overlays (yes
I know only a full code audit is actually safe) that folks use
or would suggest would be keen. I did see some gentoo wiki pages on the
subject but they seem terse or dated.


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