On Fri, 28 Aug 2015 15:29:20 -0400
Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> I used to think git looked really complicated until I sat through a
> one hour talk that focused mostly on the data model.  Once you
> understand the data model, you understand everything.  That doesn't
> take a lot of time.

Does that talk happen to be available on youtube or some equivalent?

I'm a git fanboi in spite of its failings.  I've been using git since
Linus and Larry McVoy divorced (amicably, claims Linus) over where
the kernel source repo would reside.  That amicable divorce spawned the
development of git in the first place (says Linus).

I'm no expert on git, but 'git bisect' has allowed me to file countless
(for countless >= than the number of cc's of vino in my glass)  bug
reports over the years.

I see that all the gentooers who replied to my post have been lingering
in this mailing list for years.  (You are Old Farts, by my definition.)

All gentoo Old Farts are here because we are gentoo addicts and not one
of us could abandon gentoo even if we wanted to.  Including me.

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