On 17/09/2015 19:36, Mick wrote:
> On Thursday 17 Sep 2015 08:12:56 Dale wrote:
>> Mick wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 16 Sep 2015 23:43:51 Dale wrote:
>>>> Mick wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I just noticed that the driver for my old printer no longer shows up in
>>>>> cups, on one of my PCs.  Comparison with other PCs shows that this one
>>>>> does *not* have the hpijs USE set.
>>>>> Could someone who also does not have hpijs set in their hplip tell me
>>>>> if the HP DeskJet 930C selection is missing, when they load up the GUI
>>>>> via and then try to modify a printer?
>>>>> Until this week there wasn't a problem with this PC so I am not sure
>>>>> what changed ...
>>>>> I've set it up with DeskJet 932c for now without USE=hpijs and it seems
>>>>> to work, so I am in two minds if I need hpijs or if I need to use the
>>>>> 930c driver anyway.
>>>> I was going to try and test this.  I try to help when ever I can.  Thing
>>>> is, the way CUPS works here, you have to have the printer connected to
>>>> set it up.  I can't find a option to set up a printer that is not
>>>> connected during the set up process.  Maybe I am missing something.  o_O
>>>> Maybe someone else who has that printer can test it.  We hope.
>>>> Dale
>>>> :-)  :-)
>>> Thank you Dale,
>>> You don't have to complete the setup of the printer.  Just select Modify
>>> printer and 'try' to change its driver from the dropdown selection.  You
>>> don't need to actually change it - just look in there if DeskJet 930c is
>>> listed. Assuming of course that your hplip was compiled with
>>> USE="-hpijs".
>>> My 930C is a USB printer, but I have a little ethernet to USB printer
>>> server that I access it through.  This is a monodirectional lpd server,
>>> so all the hplip GUI to report printer status is not working.  It
>>> doesn't bother me as printing is a rare occasion and all users know what
>>> to do if it runs out of ink.
>>> Printing was all working fine on this PC until a couple of days ago, so I
>>> wonder if I removed something in /etc/portage/* to cause this ...
>> I get the same option just trying to modify my current printer.  It
>> doesn't list anything, it just shows the printer I currently have set
>> up.  Even if I tell it I want to add another printer, it still shows my
>> current printer.  I can't find a way to get it to list them.  Maybe it
>> is a setting somewhere that I have that makes mine work different.
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-)
> OK, I managed to get 10 minutes access to the offending box and I remerged 
> hplip.  Guess what?  The 930c driver re-appeared on the list.  So I am now 
> doubly paranoid that the btrfs is playing up ...

Or, someone deleted the ppd and the re-emerge put it back :-)

As the saying goes "never ascribe to malice what is adequately explained
by stupidity"

Alan McKinnon

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