After an emerge --sync that appeared to work with no problems, my
"emerge -auvND world" command is reporting that the Changelong files
are broken for about 2/3 of the packages it wants to update:

!!! Digest verification failed:
!!! /usr/portage/dev-libs/libxml2/ChangeLog
!!! Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size
!!! Got: 5221
!!! Expected: 5038

!!! Digest verification failed:
!!! /usr/portage/app-text/iso-codes/ChangeLog
!!! Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size
!!! Got: 4195
!!! Expected: 4014

[ ... and so on for another dozen or so packages ... ]

I removed the emerge timestamp, sync'ed again, and got the same
result.  Based on past experiences, I'm guessing that if I wait a day
or two and sync again the problems will go away.

But I am curious what causes these temporary breakages.  Does anybody
know how this happens?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Why is it that when
                                  at               you DIE, you can't take
                                your HOME ENTERTAINMENT
                                                   CENTER with you??

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