Am Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2015, 00:15:33 schrieb Jeremi Piotrowski:
> This will lead to you having to enter the password
> twice - once when grub starts and once when the initramfs is setting up /.

If, and ONLY if, your /boot is inside your LUKS-encrypted volume, you can also 
add a keyfile for your LUKS-volume (I used another keyslot for that, but you 
can also use the password, you use for manual unlocking..) to your crypttab 
and your dracut-initrd:

% cat /etc/crypttab 
mySSD.crypt        UUID=2850e418-f325-47b6-b42b-82a60055a0c6       
/root/mySSD.lukskey       discard,luks

crypttab-format: (Name  Path/Spec       /path/to/key    options) (see man 5 

% cat /etc/dracut.conf.d/luks.conf 
install_items+="/etc/crypttab /root/mySSD.lukskey"

check if the permissions for your initrd are save, aka only readable for root, 
dracut automatically sets them to 600 and root:root here, but better save than 

with that setup you do not need to enter the password twice, because your 
initrd is able to open the luks-device with the keyfile.

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