On 04/13/2016 02:00 PM, »Q« wrote:
> I should qualify that -- a lot of the descriptions suck, not all of
> them.  When in doubt, I let the profile decide.

Nah, most of them suck. USE=derp enables libderp? Awesome. WTF does
libderp actually DO for this package? We need a policy change to force
developers to document all of their USE flags, but nobody wants to do
the work I guess. (It would be hard.)

First, you'd have to update euse (or a similar tool) to make the
information available. There's no point in adding nice descriptions to
metadata.xml if the users can't query it.

Then, you'd have to figure out all the exceptions. Eclasses can add
things to IUSE, so you would have to figure out the right language, like
"you must document every flag in IUSE in the *ebuild*". You'd also want
exceptions in cases like security bugs -- if there's a vulnerability in
PHP tomorrow, you don't want to force me to add descriptions for 50 USE
flags before I can fix it. Maybe just grandfather in existing versions.

Repoman needs to enforce it, or else people will ignore it.

Finally, you'd have to push it through the council and fight about it on
the mailing lists for a while.

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