On 15/04/2016 15:09, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> On 15/04/16 16:06, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> On 15/04/2016 15:00, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
>>> On 15/04/16 01:10, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
>>>> We even had the choice of installing both KDE3 and 4 at the same time.
>>>> That
>>>> made transition far easier and it allowed me to get settled in due
>>>> time. So
>>>> I'm not particularly worried about the next few months, especially
>>>> with the
>>>> modularity and interchangeability of today's KDE components.
>>> You cannot install KDE5 without uninstalling KDE4.
>>> I was told this is an upstream decision, not Gentoo's fault.
>> Partially true.
>> It's plasma 4 and 5 that cannot co-exist, not KDE
> Yeah, KDE. ;-)
> I mean common, when people say KDE, they mean the desktop, not kcalc or
> koffice or kmail.

hmmmm, not convinced, "you know what I mean" doesn't cut it. This list
is largely populated with high-clue people who understand the meaning of
words and know that plasma != KDE

Around here, KDE usually means kde-apps and plasma means plasma.
We also know that firefox is not gekco and all sorts of other "you know
what I actually mean" opportunities to trip up

Alan McKinnon

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