

For a little project I need to program an Arduino board.
Since all needed lib/scatched/script - or whatever it
is called in case of the Arduino - are already implemented
by someone else I will not reinvent the wheel a second time :)

Therefore I need the Arduino IDE.

Here http://playground.arduino.cc/Linux/Gentoo I found
some instructions, how to install it on GENTOO (I am on
a 64 bit AMD machine...)

But I found this:
| 64-bit users:
| librxtx is reported to cause some problems on gentoo linux because of an 
| causing the IDE to fail. This problem is noted at rxtx here. Please go here 
for fixed binaries.

Above, "here" is a link ... which cannot be resolved.

| Installing the Basics:
| First you need to log in as the superuser and install some necessary packages:
| emerge -avq sun-jre-bin crossdev

    eix sun-jre-bin
says "not found".

So I /think/ this page is a little outdated...? 


    eix arduino

gives two matches:

* dev-embedded/arduino
     Available versions:  1.0.5-r1^bs {doc examples ELIBC="FreeBSD"}
     Homepage:            http://arduino.cc/ https://arduino.googlecode.com/
     Description:         An open-source AVR electronics prototyping platform

* dev-ros/rosserial_arduino
     Available versions:  ~0.7.1 **9999 {test PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 
ROS_MESSAGES="+cxx eus lisp +python"}
     Homepage:            http://wiki.ros.org/rosserial_arduino
     Description:         Libraries and examples for ROSserial usage on 
Arduino/AVR Platforms

If the first one is the IDE it is outdated. 
The current version is 1.6.8.

The second match seems not to be relevant in my case.

What software do I need for programming an Arduino board "the arduino
way to do it" -- preverable installing it "the GENTOO way to do it"
(read: I like sources and compilations, I dont like bin blobs from
unknown sources that much...)

Thank you very much for any help in advance!
Have a nice weekend! :)
Best regards,

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