On 2016-05-11, Jonathan Callen <jcal...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Looking further at the ebuilds in question, it appears that if you wish
> to have older versions of GCC installed with >=gcc-4.9, you need to have
> USE=multislot on the *newer* versions of gcc (this USE=multislot doesn't
> appear to be completely broken like the old USE=multislot was; now the
> SLOTs are constant with respect to USE).

So slots no longer "just work" like they have for the past 15 years?

You now have to explicitly request installation in a slot by setting
the multislot flag?

Did I miss an eselect news warning about this?

Is this true for all packages that were previously installed in slots,
or have gcc and a select few been chosen specially for this breakage?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I feel like I'm
                                  at               in a Toilet Bowl with a
                              gmail.com            thumbtack in my forehead!!

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