J. Roeleveld <joost <at> antarean.org> writes:

> On Monday, June 13, 2016 02:10:27 PM James wrote:
> > wabe <wabenbau <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > Still, if you manage 1000 linux workstations, then systemd does have
> > it's merits.

> Serious question: What makes systemd more suitable to manage 1000 linux 
> workstations when compared to, for instance, OpenRC?

> Joost

(note:: awkward position for me to defend systemd....)

Because RHEL says so? Why else would they promote systemd?

Because It's what bloggers say that make systemd the Kool_aid of choice
these days?

Because really, I was just being polite and trying very hard to say
something nice about systemd?

Because Jim Morrison told me systemd is the way to nirvana, in a 60s laden
pipe dream?

Because, if you are not promoting systemd, you are just not Quool....?

Because, resistance, defined as the counterflow to Systemd flux,
is futile? Reflectance is defined as the summation of your futile resistance
area, under the curve. The endpoint being when you finally addopted
(integrated) systemd into your hopes and dreams?

Because cross-dressing the linux systems you manage, with different, custom
scripts, is so 2010. We all need to wear the emperor's new clothes, to be
hip, just like lennertd ?

Because the NSA is funding systemd, and those that do not cooperate, will be
barred from all GSA  and large corporate contracts?

Because Big, Corporate management believes that systemd will enable them to
replace seasoned linux admins with mindless drones from the labor pool?
(Note::Management is always the first to 'drink the Kool_aide' from other
large, corporate vendors)? You do not want to know what else they do, after
guzzling the kool_aide.....

Because, I think we all know that I'm no whiz at systemd, actually far from
it; in fact I'll be a very late adopter (perhaps post mortem as they inject
me with embedded linux micro-nomes on my way to an oceanic burial)?

So, one of the common arguments you here is that Systemd can standardize
management across different linux distros. If fact many promote systemd
based on a standardization track, as a really good idea. So in a large
installation, it provides the inter-intra-system discipline thereby reducing
the tendency of admins to create fiefdoms (via unique scripts) within the
different machines that different admins manage ( vs traditional divide and
conquer strategies).

Perhaps a workshop or conference is a good idea, should you want the latest,
expert advice on systemd [1]; just pay attention to the "no smoking signs"
posted near the kool_aid punch-bowl. 

(liar liar, hair on fiar)  -- da doors, resurrection tour.

[1] http://0pointer.net/blog/

it's been great fun defending systemd!

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