Andrew Savchenko <bircoph <at>> writes:

> I've taken this package for now, so feel free to open bugs for
> other issues or patches. Though I can't promise I'll support this
> package forever.
> Best regards,
> Andrew Savchenko

Greatly appreciated. I think Phillip is our man to proxy-maint this one.
He knows tons about the code (history). With a dev like you as backup for a
while, proxy-maint should be no problem for him. Hopefully the proxy-maint
mail-list will become useful to users to parse out FAQs. From there formal
docs, complete with examples, hopefully will emerge.

It does take a village, but devs, with skills and compassion such as what
you demonstrate, on a routine basis, is one of the best features
of gentoo.

THANKS, Andrew,

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