* Peter Humphrey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> [160811 01:29]:
> On Wednesday 10 Aug 2016 15:21:54 Philip Webb wrote:
> > 160810 Peter Humphrey wrote:
> > > I've been using KMail for many years. It suits me in many ways,
> > > the most important being that I don't need to keep switching my hands
> > > between mouse and keyboard.
> > 
> > If that's your criterion, why not try Mutt ?
> > I've been using it for  c 20 years  & have never wanted anything else.
> How does it display HTML in messages?
> -- 
> Rgds
> Peter

I use Mutt (and have for a long long time.)

You can configure what to use to display HTML.  I have it going to links
or elinks or similar (I forget exactly which one.)  However, in most
cases I prefer not to look at HTML email at all and generally delete any
email with only HTML and no plaintext part.


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