On 08/16/2016 04:43 PM, Silvio Siefke wrote:
Please submit a full bug report

Seems like a good recommendation. Also, once the bug
is filed, you can provide all the details in the bug report
and reference those details in your gentoo-user threads.
That way the gentoo-user thread can focus on a specific item
or two, because the full details are readily available in BGO.
The bug report will enable a wider group to look at your complete
details and keep the discussion (here on gentoo-user) short
and focused. Just a suggestion, ymmv.

Often when I run into issues, I just go to a minimal flag set
and just use one processor to compile, as a routine, baseline
test-compile run. Also on my system, I have this::

Installed versions: 3.7.1-r3(03:48:50 PM 07/13/2016)(clang libffi ncurses python static-analyzer

ABI_X86="32 64 -x32"     PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"


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