On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Honestly, I tend not to create separate partitions for separate mount points
> these days. At least, not on personal systems. For servers, it's can be
> beneficial to have /var separate from /, or /var/log separate from /var, or
> /var/spool, or /var/lib/mysql, or what have you. But the biggest driver for
> that, IME, is if one of those fills up, it can't take down the rest of the
> host.

The other big use case these days would be SSDs.  I tend to have one
SSD filesystem for root, and one SSD filesystem for everything else.
That means a lot of bind mounts, but it all works.  I'm not about to
get into separate filesystems for random directories in var that tend
to get big.


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