> My web server's response time for http requests skyrockets every
> weekday between about 9am and 5pm.  I've gone over my munin graphs and
> the only one that really correlates well with the slowdown is "TCP
> Queuing".  It looks like I normally have about 400 packets per second
> graphed as "direct copy from queue" in munin throughout the day, but 2
> to 3.5 times that many are periodically graphed during work hours.  I
> don't see the same pattern at all from the graph of all traffic on my
> network interface which actually peaks over the weekend.  TCP Queuing
> doesn't rise above 400 packets per second all weekend.  This is
> consistent week after week.
> My two employees come into work during the hours in question, and they
> certainly make frequent requests of the web server while at work, but
> if their volume of requests were the cause of the problem then that
> would be reflected in the graph of web server requests but it is not.
> I do run a small MTU on the systems at work due to the config of the
> modem/router we have there.
> Is this a recognizable problem to anyone?

I'm in the midst of this.  Are there certain attacks I should check for?

- Grant

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