On 12/26/2016 03:45 PM, Francesco Turco wrote:


I have a Vultr VPS instance with Arch Linux but I'd like to replace it
with Gentoo Linux. The last time I tried that I couldn't build some
packages because the kernel killed gcc after a while. Please notice this
VPS instance has only 768 MiB of RAM. What can I try besides removing
-pipe from C(XX)FLAGS and setting MAKEOPTS to -j1? Should I add a swap
partition? Currently there's only a single root btrfs filesystem with @,
@boot and @home subvolumes. Btrfs doesn't support a swap file as far as
I know.

My VPS is currently used for the following things:
- Static personal website
- Shaarli (PHP application with no database)
- Tiny Tiny RSS (PHP application with database)
- ZNC server


How about do a distributed compile via an SSH tunnel?

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