On January 4, 2017 10:48:12 PM GMT+01:00, "Stefan G. Weichinger" 
<li...@xunil.at> wrote:
>Do people here run samba-4.x AD DCs on gentoo?
>If yes, pls let me know of any traps or so.
>Yes, I read the wiki ;-)
>I currently prepare the migration of an old NT4-based domain (on a
>samba-PDC, gentoo) to AD (other physical box, gentoo as well).
>Did something similar last week (but with debian involved) and learned
>whole lot.
>As there is no step back as soon as the Windows clients talked to the
>AD-DC I prefer to know as much as I can in advance.
>Thanks, regards, Stefan

I am still using using samba3 for my NAS.
Samba4 has been planned for a while, but with it wanting it's own LDAP and tree 
layout, I have a few more things to organise.

Other projects keep getting a higher priority.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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