On Sunday 29 Jan 2017 09:59:53 Daniel Frey wrote:

> As far as monitoring, some vendors have tools for that I believe. They
> usually do run SMART.

I've found an off-line testing suite here [1], which I'll have a play with.

> Are you running fstrim once in a while like it's recommended? Apparently
> using 'discard' as an option when mounting is no longer recommended. On
> my laptops I use a systemd timer to do this. Before that I used anacron
> (I think it was anacron) which would run missed cronjobs.

I thought I had a twice-daily cron job running fstrim, but then I found I've 
been running without it for somewhat over a month. I've now reinstated the 
missing crontab entries and I'll watch for more things going bump in the 

One partition had also grown to 75% occupancy so I've also enlarged that. It 
was the ~/.VirtualBox partition, and boinc creates, uses and discards VMs 
all the time, so it's possible the two problems compounded each other to 
cause my portage damage.


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