On Sunday 19 Feb 2017 16:58:19 Mick wrote:

> I don't have an answer for the bluefish button colours, but just an idea
> that different Gnome themes may be also applied on the Bluefish
> application since it uses Gtk.

You've done it again, Mick. Bluefish didn't like clearlooks-phenix, but it's 
quite happy with breeze.

> Regarding your Chromium problem, have you configured your
> kernel/firmware/x11 video drivers to use hardware acceleration?  Chromium
> uses hardware acceleration if available and the problem of blank pages
> may be relevant, but I am not sure.  Try this in the address bar to see
> what it reports:
> chrome://gpu

After a reboot on a freshly compiled kernel my Chromium problem has gone 

Thanks for your help.


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