On Wed, Mar 08, 2017 at 06:50:17PM +0000, Mick wrote:
> Well what do you know?!  Alternative to monolithic stack solutions now exist 
> as alternatives for other distros too:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/archopenrc/

The GitHub links on that page are broken (404).

I was an Arch user before, and switched to Gentoo due to its prime
support for OpenRC, where it is no second thought shoehorned ontop of a
distro focusing on systemd.

With Arch, it's different. The no-systemd people need to run after all
cahnges made by the Arch team, and then place their own changes on top
of that. This creates certainly a lot of work, and certainly requires a
lot of manpower, which I am not sure these people have available. This,
in consequence, leads me to security considerations. How quickly do
security problem fixes propagate to arch-openrc? Also, is there some
kind of non-IRC community like a mailinglist or a forum for them, so
that one can at least estimate its popularity? Do they even have a
website with RSS-subscribable announcements?

There is a wealth of Linux distros with one person behind it. I will not
use such Linux distros, because whenever something happens to this
person, all users are screwed (I have heard people referring to this
phenomenon cynically as the "truck factor" or "bus factor", a term which
I not necessarily like due to its fatality -- the person might also just
lose interest).

I will watch what happens around systemd-free ArchLinux, but for the
time being, I will stay with Gentoo happily on a well-maintained


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