Am Sun, 26 Mar 2017 14:16:56 +0200
schrieb Alan McKinnon <>:

> On 26/03/2017 14:14, wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > ok, seems that at least the data of one of the three partitions
> > of my sdcard is toasted...
> >
> > But it would be interesting to check, what the initial (?) reason
> > for that failure is: Hardware or logic -- sdcard or filesystem.  
> that failure very seldom happens with spinning disks
> it very often happens with SDcards
> chances are *huge* that it's the card itself
> >
> > Is there any flash-memory-friendly and -aware checker out there,
> > which detects sectors which cannot be recovered back to
> > functioning?  
> Not really, to my knowledge no-one has figured out a metric that
> shows increased odds of pending failure for SD cards.
> They just stop working one day. A lot like fuses actually - there's
> no way to examine a fuse and predict when it's likely to blow.
> Lesson to be learned: SD cards should only contain stuff you are
> happy to lose, or of which you have several backups

Many SD cards are optimized for FAT usage, thus they do wear leveling
only where FAT systems do most writes and rewrites: In the file
allocation table. Almost anything else works different.

Maybe better try f2fs as it more likely spreads writes evenly across
the SD card.


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