* Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> [170327 22:09]:
> Stroller, just a note on my experience this evening.  I liked what I
> saw about linode in this thread..  Decided to try them out.
> Got started with them... I was working from the command line in my new
> gentoo vm provided by linode.  Getting things setup the way I like
> them.
> In the course of about 2 hrs my connections were dropped at least 15
> times and I think probably more.  At some points I have more than one
> login going, and I noticed if I left one idle for a few minutes it
> would b dropped when I next attemtpted to use it... I mean really a
> few minutes like 3 or so.
> Sometimes connections would drop while the login instance was
> working... for example in the middle of a kernel compile.
> I decided I'd seen enough and was not interested in spending time
> trying to determine what this was happening... so backed out and asked
> for my account to be cancelled and charges to my Credit card canceled.
> Remains to be seen how they respond.  I only turned my trouble ticket
> 7 minutes ago.

Wow.  I've never had that experience and I've been using them for years.

If I allow it I can keep SSH sessions to the instance up for weeks.

I can't comment on customer service as I've never needed to speak to

I'm using the Newark, NJ location.


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