Raffaele Belardi wrote:
During the weekend I 'emerge -e' a couple of ~amd64 systems with gcc-6.3.0:

1. gnome desktop, 1000 packages, all build fine except:
- net-libs/webkit-gtk, rebuilding it again after world fixed it (possibly an 
issue with -j
MAKEOPTS, a similar build failure is mentioned in bug 515968 although it's for 
an older
package version)
- sci-electronics/gnucap (bug 594184)
- games-action/armagetronad (bugs 610844, 617768)

2. lxde media center, 850 packages, all fine except:
- games-sports/trigger
- games-sports/torcs
Haven't had time to process these yet.

Looks like it's still better to keep a gcc-5.x version around.

Further info, on a ~x86 system:

# qlop -gH libreoffice
libreoffice: Fri May  5 18:02:29 2017: 9 hours, 27 minutes, 30 seconds
libreoffice: Tue May  9 01:35:10 2017: 10 hours, 48 minutes, 40 seconds

The first build was with gcc-5.4.0-r3, the second with gcc-6.3.0.


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