On Saturday 01 Jul 2017 12:18:05 Rasmus Thomsen wrote:
> Hello,
> > * Could not set caps on "/bin/ping6" due to missing filesystem support:*
> > * enable XATTR support for "ext2/ext3" in your kernel (if configurable)*
> > * mount the fs with the user_xattr option (if not the default)
> > * enable the relevant FS_SECURITY option (if configurable)
> do as Portage advises you and enable CONFIG_EXT4_FS_SECURITY. You don't need
> any additional configs in your fstab, xattr&acl are both enabled by default
> ( if compiled into the kernel ). Regards,
> Rasmus

Oops!  I thought I had missed something and it was right in front of my eyes!  
Thank you for point this out.  :-)

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