On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 1:24 AM, Ста Деюс <sthu.d...@openmailbox.org> wrote:

> >> Why bash script (the install script), that works in "Debian", does
> >> not
> >> work on "Gentoo" install CD, giving me syntax errors (basically
> >> related to '(', ')' and ''')? In the script is the interpreter line
> >>
> >> #!/bin/bash
> > You say that line appears in both scripts, but is it the first line?
> > Unaccompanied and not preceded by anything?
> Yes, it is just a copy from "Debian".
> >> PS Why no semi/full -automatic install script/package in "Gentoo"?
> > It doesn't work that way. Gentoo is all about choice, and that
> > includes
> > choice of what is installed, and where and when. You have to make
> > those
> > choices. Even choosing what sort of system is installed (multi-lib,
> > hardened, synchronised via git or rsync, ...). All in the name of
> > flexibility and doing one's own thing.
> All those choices could be handled while auto install process -- just
> as other distro-s do, only with that exception, that the chosen
> packages are compiled first and only then get installed. At least, the
> "base" profile (just working kernel, package manager, network) would
> fit to get automatically installed "Gentoo" system leaving all the
> spectrum of choices behind installation process. -- I do not think it
> is wise to spend hours just to configure system before compilation
> process itself, reading all the time manual, even let be the
> truncated page of that manual.

Gotta be honest here. I really don't think Gentoo is for you.

If you don't understand why the exponential amount of work that it takes to
be able to support each additional choice that Gentoo does is hard to
codify into a single automated installer, I'm just going to say that this
is going to be a hard point to get across.

> Computers are all about automation, and
> trivial process regarding its working should be automated. The best
> approach would be checklists of checklists

Let's just say that someone has to code and test all of the automated
behavior behind every combination of checklist across every combination of
package, and he's going to have a very thankless job, given that simply
getting one combination of packages through a basic checklist might take an
entire day if the compiler gods are kind.

> -- similar to kernel's
> configuration, that once chosen, gets compiling, installing -- all
> automatically. There even sets like all is included -- to bother not
> for the unconcerned.
> But something tells me the reason of absence of the installer are
> much deeper.
> Sthu.

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