Hi Meino,

I haven't tried this, but may I ask why you're not using the ATmel AVR 
Toolchain [0] that's readily available for Linux?

[0] http://www.atmel.com/tools/atmelavrtoolchainforlinux.aspx


Am 23. September 2017 20:21:45 MESZ schrieb tu...@posteo.de:
>I want to compile wine to execute a single commandline tool.
>That's it.
>The commandline tool is the AVR-assembler made by ATmel to recompile
>a FORTH interpreter for the AVR-line of microcontrollers of
>avrasm2.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
>Most GENTOO related tutorials on how to compile/install wine were
>made for those of us who want to use wine as kind a "bootloader" for
>games (NO pune intended!).
>I tried to compile wine ... but all end with an compilation error.
>To save time and hassle:
>Is there any wine version out there, which is currentlu compilable
>and/or recommended?
>Is there any tutorial which covers my intended use case for wine?
>(My system is not multilib.)
>Thanks a lot for any help in advance!

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