Neil Bothwick <neil <at>> writes:

> > Well, OK.  But if I want to try this method manually first, then I'd:
> > 1. scp the var/lib/portage/world to the second system.
> > 2.  ensure the make.conf USE setting are identical (they are)
> > 3. "emerge -uavD world"
> > 4. No need for the PKGDIR is I duplicate packages on both systems?

> Unless you use buildpkg and a shared PKGDIR, you'll have to compile every
> package twice. My suggestion means that installing on the first machine
> also builds a binary package for the second, so you can get that updated
> as quickly as possible.

Yes, OK. I want to play with this manually for a few weeks, then I'll
use buildpkg and PGKDIR. One last qustion. If the USE settings are identical
and the CFLAGS are similar between an AMD and Intel, can I use the
approach with one system being Intel and the other being AMD:

CFLAGS="-O3 -march=athlon-xp -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe"

CFLAGS="-O3 -march=pentium4 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe "

This will work too?

Thankks in advance!


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