On 12/30/17 19:32, Adam Carter wrote:
On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Daniel Frey <djqf...@gmail.com <mailto:djqf...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Some background:

    A little while back I had a drive drop out of my hardware RAID. I
    don't think this has anything to do with the problem I'm having, but
    I thought I should mention it. The RAID health is fine and I can see
    there's not any delay in dmesg (the RAID array is detected as /dev/sdc).

    On startup, I share the RAID, and hence I mount it locally under
    /mnt, then again under /nfs4exports.

    Note: I'm using openrc.

    For some reason, the entry under /mnt does not mount on startup.
    There's no error or any indication of anything going wrong during
    startup (nothing in dmesg or /var/log/messages regarding any sort of
    mount trouble.)

    So what happens is nfs starts up but it's missing the one export. I
    have to stop nfs, unmount the entry under /nfs4exports, unmount the
    entry under /mnt, then mount /dev/sdc1 to /mnt, the mount the entry
    under /nfs4exports. After this, everything is mounted properly and I
    restart nfs.

    I looked at the /etc/init.d/localmount script and it's supposed to
    spit out a message if something cannot mount but it does not report
    any error.

    Is there any sort of logging I can enable to tell me exactly what's
    happening? Other local filesystems (total of three) all mount fine.

What does the fstab entry look like?

The fstab entry is just:

/dev/sdc1    /mnt/raid    ext4    noatime    0 0

The first thing I did was check localmount and it is in the boot runlevel (some snipped):

# rc-update show boot
           localmount | boot

Other filesystems mounted OK.

It does list as started:
# rc-status boot
Runlevel: boot
 localmount       [  started  ]

> Can you cut and paste the terminal session of the post boot fixes?

What are you asking for here?

Part of the problem is I restart this machine so infrequently I usually forget about the mounting problems until I try to access it remotely.


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