On Thu, 2018-01-25 at 18:48 +0200, Mart Raudsepp wrote:
> On Thu, 2018-01-25 at 01:16 +0200, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> > One user wants Gnome, the other wants Plasma. Is this doable?
> > 
> > Currently, Plasma is installed, and the profile is:
> > 
> >    default/linux/amd64/17.0/desktop/plasma/systemd
> > 
> > The profiles seem to be either-or. There's one for plasma, one for 
> > gnome. But I need both now :-/
> They just provide ease of installation by enabling some USE flags
> globally or per-package for you, to avoid having to add them manually
> on a fresh install or so.
> You can create a local mix-in by having /etc/portage/make.profile as
> a
> directory with an eapi and parent file, but that has some caveats, so
> given that I leave the details to find out elsewhere when desired.
> Or you can just use one and add the stuff for the other manually,
> verbatim or as-needed.
> What they do can be seen in
> profiles/targets/desktop/gnome
> profiles/targets/desktop/plasma
> subdirectories of your PORTDIR (probably /usr/portage/)
> The global USE flags each adds are in make.defaults file and the per-
> package USE flag tweaks are in package.use files.
> So you could for example keep using the systemd plasma profile, add
> the
> global USE flags from
> /usr/portage/profiles/targets/desktop/gnome/make.defaults to your
> make.conf and symlink
> /usr/portage/profiles/targets/desktop/gnome/package.use to a
> gnome.use
> file under /etc/portage/package.use/ directory or so and voilà, you
> got
> effectively both.

That said, the global USE flag manual copy to make.conf might get
outdated; e.g. we plan to add USE=wayland as global default to gnome
profile at some point soon(tm). Though make.defaults could be symlinked
as well, I think to /etc/portage/profile/make.defaults
Though these changes are rare, and it's a convenience anyways, e.g. you
might have decided to globally enable wayland earlier already; or once
the change is made you might counter it with a global disable in
make.conf anyways.

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