On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 4:15 PM, Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
> Is there something besides iptables? It seems to be like
> systemd/perl/python, continuously expanding its scope. And no, I'm not
> looking for an "easy-peasy front-end gui" that'll probably pull in 90%
> of QT as dependancies. I fondly remember IPCHAINS.

iptables doesn't depend on systemd, perl, or python.

firewalld depends on dbus, polkit, and python.

ufw depends on python.

But there may be other iptables frontends that depend on more,
especially if they are graphical.

The advantage of iptables frontends is that you only have to allow
"your" ports (for a minimal customization) without having to worry
about all the other stuff that you need to set up when you use
iptables directly.

I've used apf, arno, and ufw. The first two depend on bash and simply
require you to set variables in "/etc/$firewall/".

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