On Thursday, 22 March 2018 22:57:31 GMT mad.scientist.at.la...@tutanota.com 
> When I run "grub-install/dev/boot" (following the manual) I i get the error
> "grub-install: error: cannot find a GRUB for /dev/boot.  

You have typed no space between the command 'grub-install' and the device.

Do you have a "/dev/boot" device listed in your filesystem?

If yes, is it pointing to the disk (e.g.) /dev/sda where you want the GRUB 
boot code to be installed?

> Check your device
> map"  I looked at the /boot partition and there is no device map. 

A device map would be needed if you had some fancy mapping of devices Vs 
device file names in your OS, or if your devices are occasionally probed by 
BIOS in a different order, thus ending up under /dev/sdX instead of /dev/sdY.

> I'm installing gentoo running debian.  I have another os so the boot
> partition should be properly set up.  This is on an ancient hp proliant
> dl385, Gen 1.  debian is running grub 2.02~beta3-5.  This machine does not
> use uefi, and the raid driver is in the kernel.
>  Do i need to hack together the device map or?  Any help appreciated, thank
> you. 

I don't think you need a device map, unless you suffer from the irregular 
probing of your disks/partitions by your BIOS.

> Unfortunately i'm more familiar with grub legacy than grub2, studying manual
> now (it's very verbose and takes a bit to absorb enough to use it.

You can still install grub legacy, but grub2 is relatively straight forward as 
long as you get the command syntax correct and you do not forget to run grub-
mkconfig every time you install/remove a kernel.

You may want to have a look at this page, if you haven't done so already:



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