On Saturday, 19 May 2018 01:04:14 BST Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I mentioned already that I am a user of OSS4. I found [0] but none of
> the information over there works anymore. Do you know some more recent
> source?

I don't know of any more up to date link to recommend, because I've not used 
oss, but is there something wrong with using alsa?

> Currently I am trying to compile it from source directly but there is a
> small problem left with kernel 4.16.

Have you had a look at various overlays - not sure which ebuild is the best to 
use for oss.

> Another problem with sound is bluetooth. On one box I usually use a
> bluetooth headset. Unfortunately the only way that seems to work on
> linux is to use puleaudio. Sadly it is not starting under Gentoo.
> Is there anyone who has successful use pulseaudio with bluetooth on
> Gentoo?

Most desktop environments pull in the pulseaudio ebuild these days and pa 
starts up as needed by udev/ConsoleKit when using openrc, or just udev/systemd 
when using systemd.

Have a look here for set up details:


On some PCs I have found bluetooth audio a pain to configure.  I was advised 
to install net-wireless/blueman, which made it less painful to get bluetooth 
audio source/sink working in my use case.

However, in many cases bluetoothctl is all you need to get the devices to pair 
and get pulseaudio to pick up the bluetooth device as an audio sink.

 pactl list sinks


 pactl list sources

will show you what pulseaudio sees.

> I hope, I do not bother you with all that questions coming up moving to
> Gentoo...

Not at all, just shoot away and users with more knowledge and experience will 
chime in as necessary if they know the answer.


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