On 07/01/18 20:55, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> I ought to disclose that the server is Debian.  But the distcc versions
> on both sides were the same, and I hand-compiled a matching gcc version
> on the server.
> One thing I very much dislike about distcc is that there seems to be no
> good way of using a full path to the compiler on the server that's
> different from the one on the client.

I think that's probably the cause of the problem you've been having. I'm
no distcc expert by any means but you need to have binutils/libtool/gcc
identical across all machines, and in the case of different distros it
means hand compiling these on every machine, not just one - distros tend
to include their own fixes.

I found this article:


which details some of these problems, but in that example they were also
compiling x32 and x64.

I've never had a problem with distcc in my all-Gentoo environment, other
than some random packages that don't like distcc.

I was actually reading about pump mode and considering trying that on my


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