On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 09:50:34 +0800, Bill Kenworthy wrote:

> Yes there was the original news item - but nothing about the problems
> this caused, and the back and forwarding which is causing me grief.  It
> is only switching targets, but when you have problems and decide to
> remove 3.6 and recompile, then having to go through it all again
> without  proper information it has impact.  A news item is supposed to
> give information ... I am not criticising the changes itself (sh..
> happens), but being left in the dark about it.

Agreed, the switch back occurred with no explanation, a news item should
have been written for that, and maybe a brief warning one when
reinstating the 3.6 setting.

Neil Bothwick

Give a man a fish and you have fed him for a day, but give him a case of
dynamite and soon the village will be showered with mud and seaweed and
unidentifiable chunks of fish.

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