Philip Webb wrote:
> 181105 Dale wrote:
>> Currently I'm using Krusader.  It works as root,
>> so I can edit files in /etc, /root and such.
> I can recommend Krusader to any KDE user.
> I do most file management from CLI, but sometimes need heavy lifting.
> If anyone tries it, they should look into its many features :
> there's a PDF help doc available.

That's my thinking as well.  It is different from Konqueror but it does
the job pretty well and seems to be pretty light and fast.  The biggest
thing, it allows running as root. 

I've been really busy recently.  My Mom was in the hospital for several
weeks, that's a long time here.  After that, she was in a nursing home
trying to get her strength back and had a few set backs while there. 
She comes home tomorrow and is in better shape than she was over a year
ago.  Maybe even a couple years ago.  That has kept me busy and pretty
much wore out at times.  I have health issues of my own.  So, I haven't
been able to really dig deep into Krusader as yet.  Basically, I got it
to where I can edit files in /etc and /root and pretty much left it as
is.  The one thing I'd like to change, being able to click/double click
on a file and it open.  That's how Dolphin and the old Konqueror was set
up.  As it is, you have to hit F4 to edit which opens Kwrite/Kate
depending on settings for text files.  I also wish it wouldn't separate
the file name and the extension.  I prefer them to be together.  Heck, I
might use Krusader as a regular user if I could get that last one
configured right.  ;-) 

I really do need to research that more.  Do you have a link to that
pdf?  I'm on version 2.7.1. but any recent version would be nice. 



:-)  :-)

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