On 12/18/2018 10:49 AM, Jack wrote:
I should be in good shape there.  The partition's new location should have the first half intact, and since the overwriting was of the first part of the old location, it's second half should be intact.  The files should all be there - but I imagine I might have to play with any directories which were successfully move, but not the stuff they point to.  Of course, all of this depends on recovering from the read errors - so ddrescue needs to finish first.

I feel like you have two ~½ partitions that you need to aggregate and try to access. I half way expect that you need to image the drive, and then extract the two ½s and put them back together.

I don't know if losetup can ignore something in the middle or not.

I would then expect that your file system in the new spliced back together ""partition to be okay.

I /think/ that most modern file systems have addressing within the partition and not subject to physical location on the disk. As such, you should be able to mount it fairly cleanly. I would expect that files are no more corrupted than they were before the move.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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