Hi David,

you were absolutely RIGHT.
I knew only from the past the Gentoo Installations, where the UUID was not necessary.

I executed "blkid", took the UUID for the desired to mounted device, wrote it in the fstab file before I reexecuted grub-mkconfig ....

Thanks for your edvises in the chat and the mailinglist

best, Tamer

On 19.02.19 05:13, Davyd McColl wrote:

On February 19, 2019 00:27:34 Tamer Higazi <th9...@googlemail.com> wrote:

Hi people,
I made a fresh systemd installation based and generated the kernel
with genkernel.
I am not capable to login after reboot. It is a EFI installation based
on systemd

I saw in the internet similiar posts, and I am stuck and not getting
it solved somehow to login with write access.

Has anybody of you an idea what I made wrong?

I would kindly thank the gentoo community supporting me solving this issue.

grub options:

genkernel linux config

gentoo /etc/fstab:
Just curious - how does mount know how to identify your block devices? This fstab has no device identifier at the start of each line (eg /dev/sda7, as mentioned in a comment above the line for root, or, better, UUID= identifiers, as suggested in the higher up commentary). I don't run systemd (so I'm not sure if it does something magick here?), but I wouldn't expect this fstab to work on any of the systems I've used.

grub.cfg file:

Thank you.

best, Tamer

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