On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 8:42 AM Davyd McColl <dav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 at 14:23, Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> I think a big part of that is that before I did ANYTHING I took a lot
>> of steps to clean up...
> I guess YMMV. I regularly:
> - emerge --sync
> - emerge --update --newuser --deep @world @preserved-rebuild -a
> - emerge --depclean -a
> (by regularly, I mean at least twice a week). If I uninstall anything, I 
> clean out
> package.{use|accept_keywords|licence} where appropriate. AFAIK I followed
> the news item pedantically, following it step-by-step until I got to 
> re-merging /lib32
> & /usr/lib32, when things came a little unstuck.
> Doesn't mean I'm couldn't miss something, just that I'm not leaving this
> machine out-of-date for months at a time or expecting miracles.

It was just intended as general advice for anybody else doing the
upgrade, not as finger-pointing.  Despite my care I still ran into
some minor issues.

> I appreciate all the help and experience available from this list
> and would appreciate any input on my updating procedures above,
> in particular, anything which would have made this transition smoother.

You're not really doing anything wrong.  I think this is just the
difference between washing your hands before dinner and washing your
hands before going into surgery.  And simply doing everything right
doesn't guarantee a lack of issues for something like this.

> Mostly, I find portage to be very capable, though it's taken me quite a while
> to make heads-or-tails of the error output, but I'm getting better at it.

Portage error output is often cryptic, and usually literally following
its advice is the worst thing you can do.  It is fine for a lot of
one-offs but when you get 800 lines of error output and a suggestion
to stick something in a config file I'd make sure you understand what
is going on first.

As with most software it is literally trying to solve a problem it
thinks you asked it to solve.  Unfortunately, sometimes the fastest
way to get rid of a disease is to drown the patient in disinfectant so
you could call this 3-laws safe.  :)


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