On Sunday, 4 August 2019 18:07:41 BST Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> On 2019-08-04 12:29, Mick wrote:
> > https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/TheCaseForTheUsrMerge/
> > 
> > Essentially the historical reasons for having a lot of separate
> > directories/ fs/partitions/disks are becoming obsolete and many of
> > them are due to merge, changing the baselayout.  I assume the move to
> > profile 17.1 to deal with the various /lib directories was the start.
> I know about the history as it relates to Unix and Linux in general.  In
> fact I think I've read that article long ago.  But the question is
> what's up in gentoo.  I suspect another potentially painful migration is
> on the horizon; it would be good to know the speed we're moving toward
> the horizon :-)

I don't know more about this, but it seems we are being dragged towards a 
systemd inspired future, whether the majority of the gentoo community of users 
want it or not.  In my view system binaries should not be thrown in the same 
pot as user binaries and keeping the two separate makes good sense for those 
of us who do not spin up 200 cloned VMs a second on a RHL corporate farm.  I'm 
not arguing against systemd, or merging all directories under an equivalent of 
a $WINDOWS/ path, but it seems to me a gentoo system architecture should 
retain the freedom of choice and flexibility it has been famous for.  
Retrograde steps like being forced to use an initramfs just for retaining a 
separate /usr partition, should not be the way gentoo evolves.  Setting up a 
USE flag to accommodate such changes would be more agreeable for many gentoo 
users, rather than changing the default set up.

NOTE: Please do not start a flamewar, I'm just expressing my opinion as a long 
term gentoo user who prefers to use gentoo for personal computing, instead of 
other binary systemd based distros.


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