Am 14.08.19 um 08:36 schrieb J. Roeleveld:
> Stefan,
> On maandag 29 juli 2019 21:28:50 CEST Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
>> At a customer I have to check through an older gentoo server.
>> The former admin is not available anymore and among other things I have
>> to check how the SAN storage is attached.
> If you ever encounter that admin, make sure you hide the body :)

I only learn day by day what a mess all that is ...

>> I see two devices sdc and sdd that should come from the SAN.
> Interesting, are these supposed to be the same? 

No, I don't think so. But maybe you'r right. No sdd in fstab or in the
mounts at all and ...

> what do you get back from:
> # /usr/bin/sg_vpd --page=di /dev/sdc
> # /usr/bin/sg_vpd --page=di /dev/sdd
> (As suggested in the multipathd.conf file you listed above)

these 2 look similar to me:

samba ~ # /usr/bin/sg_vpd --page=di /dev/sdc
Device Identification VPD page:
  Addressed logical unit:
    designator type: NAA,  code set: Binary
    designator type: vendor specific [0x0],  code set: Binary
      vendor specific:
 00     11 32 36 37 32 31 36 00  00 c0 ff 1e 91 b2 00 00    .267216.........
 10     c0 a8 64 12 00 c0 ff 1e  8d 38 00 00 c0 a8 64 11    ..d......8....d.
  Target port:
    designator type: Relative target port,  code set: Binary
      Relative target port: 0x3
    designator type: Target port group,  code set: Binary
      Target port group: 0x0
    designator type: NAA,  code set: Binary
     transport: Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI (FCP-4)
  Target device that contains addressed lu:
    designator type: NAA,  code set: Binary
     transport: Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI (FCP-4)
samba ~ # /usr/bin/sg_vpd --page=di /dev/sdd
Device Identification VPD page:
  Addressed logical unit:
    designator type: NAA,  code set: Binary
    designator type: vendor specific [0x0],  code set: Binary
      vendor specific:
 00     11 32 36 37 32 31 36 00  00 c0 ff 1e 8d 38 00 00    .267216......8..
 10     c0 a8 64 11 00 c0 ff 1e  91 b2 00 00 c0 a8 64 12    ..d...........d.
  Target port:
    designator type: Relative target port,  code set: Binary
      Relative target port: 0x7
    designator type: Target port group,  code set: Binary
      Target port group: 0x1
    designator type: NAA,  code set: Binary
     transport: Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI (FCP-4)
  Target device that contains addressed lu:
    designator type: NAA,  code set: Binary
     transport: Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI (FCP-4)

> If "sdc" and "sdd" are the same disk, the "Adressed logical unit" id should 
> be 
> the same for both.

So we have 0x600c0ff0001e91b2c1bae25601000000 twice, right?

There's a /dev/sdb as well, commented in fstab with "9750-8i Raid6
(4x3TB + 2x4TB)" but that seems another "branch" of devices:

# /usr/bin/sg_vpd --page=di /dev/sdb
Device Identification VPD page:
  Addressed logical unit:
    designator type: NAA,  code set: Binary


In the first week of september I travel there and I have the job to
reinstall that server using Debian Linux (yes, gentoo-users, I am
getting OT here ;-)).

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