On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 10:19 AM n952162 <n952...@web.de> wrote:
> On 12/07/19 13:17, Mick wrote:
> > On Friday, 6 December 2019 11:38:09 GMT n952162 wrote:
> >> I rebuilt my kernel and now have the Network Block Device, but now my
> >> system doesn't power off anymore, using shutdown -h now, and doesn't
> >> reboot with reboot (orshutdown -r now).
> > I'm not sure which kernel you said you're running at present, but this 
> > commit
> > was made to handle a similar behaviour:
> >
> > https://lkml.org/lkml/2019/10/6/338
> >
> >> Anybody have any idea what could have become misconfigured?
> > As per above commit, it could be a matter of a kernel driver bug rather a
> > misconfiguration on your part.
> Oh!  That's interesting.  I'm using AMDGPU, which might be related. But
> it's happening in a more recent kernel: 4.19.72 rather than the [PATCH
> 4.14 08/68] listed in the bug report (although, I don't know what 08/68
> refers to)

First, it looks like that was reverted in
8d13c187c42e110625d60094668a8f778c092879 due to some problem.

Second, 4.14 and 4.19 are different longerm series, so there are
releases of 4.14 that are newer than some releases of 4.19.  4.19.72
was released on Sep 10, 2019, so it definitely doesn't contain that
patch.  Both 4.14 and 4.19 receive regular updates as bugs are found
in either series or fixes are backported from other series where they

I'm not sure if this issue was properly fixed in a more recent patch,
or if that has made its way to stable yet - I suspect not based on the
bug below.  The 08/68 that you see is a reference to the 68 patches
that were proposed for the 4.14.148 release back in October.  There
have already been 10 stable releases in the 4.14 series since then.

The upstream bug is at https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=205147


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