On 2019-12-18, <nunojsi...@ist.utl.pt> (Nuno Silva) <nunojsi...@ist.utl.pt> 

> The EAPI problem is in a package that is pulled as a dependency of
> portage.
> Unless there's a simple hack to solve this, you will need to use older
> ebuilds or split the update in several steps, using older versions of
> the portage tree. The following notes show a way of achieving this:
> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/User:NeddySeagoon/HOWTO_Update_Old_Gentoo

In my experience of situations like this, it's often a lot less work
to just backup /etc and user home directories and re-install from

That's not to say I didn't once battle my way through an upgrade like
that just to see if I could do it...

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm continually AMAZED
                                  at               at th'breathtaking effects
                              gmail.com            of WIND EROSION!!

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