On 15/04/2020 21:09, james wrote:
On 4/15/20 1:40 PM, Andreas Stiasny wrote:

That's why I use make olddefconfig in such a case. This takes all the old config values and uses the default for the new ones. If you know that you need one or more of the new config options you can fine tune them afterwards with make menuconfig.

Ah. never used olddefconfig, I'll give it a spin.

Note that there's sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin now. You can use that without having to build anything. Or, you can use that at first, and then use its config in sys-kernel/gentoo-sources and tweak it to your needs.

There's also sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel but it's description is confusing as hell: "Linux kernel built with Gentoo patches". Which to me sounds exactly like gentoo-kernel-bin just with slightly different wording... :-/

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