On Wednesday, April 22, 2020 9:34 PM, Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Dependency resolution is indeed a (formally) hard problem. Solving the
> traveling salesman problem is also hard. Solving the traveling salesman
> problem while being punched in the face is even harder. When I complain
> about portage being slow, what I mean is that I want to stop being
> punched in the face so that I can concentrate all of my energy on the
> underlying hard problem.

any reason why is it a traveling salesman problem,
and not just a tree walk with heuristics to handle
exceptions (e.g. cycles)?

my thought

my thought is that dep. resolution is like walking
down a tree, and branch out depending on the USE
flags -- for this, imo the sympt. run-time
complexity should be approximately O(log n), where
n = number of packages in portage.

except that some of its leaves go back to a branch
(circular dependencies).  here, we can add
heuristics/workarounds when cycles are detected.

how common is it to stumble upon cycles in a
single dependency resolution run?  let's say it
happens S many times per run.

so in overall, i think, it should be O(log n + S).

since it can be seen as a tree, imo it is very
easy to distribute the computation across several
cores, even for a single package dep. resolution.
e.g. create threads upon branching in the tree
until MAX_THRD reached.

of course all in C, statically-linked (minimum
run-time dep. for emerge).  i don't see why we
need fancy stuff like python.

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