On 05/05/2020 15:28, inasprecali wrote:
> I experience very similar symptoms on my ThinkPad 13. It doesn't
> happen often, but it does sometimes happen.
It's good to hear that there are others sharing the pain - at least to a
degree - today, as most topics I've come across stop around 2018, which
made me believe the issue had been resolved in the kernel.

> Unfortunately I'm not aware of any real solution, but as a
> workaround, you can unmount and re-mount the psmouse module when
> the problem occurs (if psmouse is not built compiled as a module,
> I suggest you do it).  At least this is what works for me, YMMV:
> # modprobe -r psmouse
> # modprobe psmouse
This is basically what I've been doing. However, it's not as easy when
it causes the keyboard to freeze as well, where the only solution is
usually a hard reset without access to an external keyboard. It's also
incredibly time consuming to do a few times an hour, even without having
to reboot.

I might bump up the bug report on kernel.org and see if gets any attention.

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